Diversity in the culture positively affects societies in economical and social way as well as reinforce
European identity and build peace and respect for others; therefore an effective and constructive dialogue
between people and cultures should be developed for empowering inclusiveness in the societies.(Harris, 2007).
As Drawing To Health, consisting of people from different cultural and social groups, decided to organise a
Youth Exchange to make contribution to this common problem of the Europe with international collaboration to develop a dialogue among society The objectives of the project are as follows:
*To improve the knowledge, skills and attitudes of the participants about discrimination and intolerance
intercultural dialogue, environmental sustainability and digital storytelling,
*To enable participants to be informed about problems which different social and cultural groups face and
good practices against discrimination and intercultural dialogue as well as encouraging them to combat with
discrimination in their communities,
* To improve participants’ photography, video shooting, digital storytelling, intercultural dialogue, creativity
and teamwork skills
*To enable participants to discover other cultures and establish intercultural dialogue through digital
* To deepen participants’ competences about Erasmus+ oppurtunities to encourage them take part in future

Youngsters Tell Digital Stories About Cultural Diversity
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